our story

Australian heart,

Brazilian heritage

Bagé Home uncovers the stunning side of South Brazil’s lesser known culture. Just like our Australian way of life, it is authentic, warm and full of character.
31.3301° S, 54.1005° W
Livramento Upamoreti.30.05.2012 resized 1280 compressed 1
Livramento. Photo by Tadeu Vilani
Our Journey
The concept was born in Sydney with three South American friends and their vision to share the beautiful elements of their Gaucho {gow-cho} heritage with people who appreciate craftsmanship and style.

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Latin design
Ramon, Lucas and Jimena believe that blending the unique essence of the South Brazilian countryside, with the unpretentious sophistication of contemporary Latin design, is a natural fit in our Aussie homes.
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"We are a small Australian business bringing you the unknown beauty and style from across the pond. From Our Home, To Yours."


moves us

One of our passions is to explore Latin America to uncover the most unique pieces we can find. This is also our way of ensuring products are ethically sourced to be shared with respect where our heart is, Australia. It has been nearly a decade that we call this place we love our home.

Our mission is to source unique products made responsibly in regards to the people and the environment. We visit supplier’s facilities to assess their working conditions, ethics and workplace safety. We support small businesses like us in Australia as much as possible.

We work exclusively with disposed by-products of the food industry. Our partner tanneries received a gold certification for efficient environmental performance and resources usage.

We strive to make a positive impact on the environment with our practices. Hence why our packaging is plastic-free and made from eco-friendly, recycled materials to reduce waste.

We feel inspired in alluring places and this is what we want to evoke with Bagé Home.
Whether you love interior design or just want a unique touch that will transform your home, one of our rugs might be exatly what you are looking for.